Imagine this: you're strolling through the zoo when you stumble upon a mysterious treasure chest. You crack it open and bam! Suddenly, you're transformed into an animal! With no idea how to change back, you reluctantly join forces with the animals to unravel mysteries and find your way back to human form. Sounds like something out of a dream, right? Well, guess what? It's real at Wanpi World Safari Zoo! 

Introducing the brand-new "Fantasy Zoo Adventure," an immersive puzzle-solving adventure game where players, once armed with their treasure chest, follow the game's instructions to transform into animals and embark on an epic adventure alongside the zoo's inhabitants! Wanpi World revealed that following the "Presidential Election" held at the end of last year, the public voted for the capybara "Tunbao" to become the President. Since then, they have been gradually developing the Wanpi brand characters and storyline. This real-life game is centered around this core concept, guiding players through the story immersing them in the Wanpi universe, and sparking even greater imagination about the zoo. 

"Fantasy Zoo Adventure" offers a total of seven levels, guiding players through various exciting animal exhibits. To make sure even the little ones can join in the fun, Mango Game, the creative minds behind the game, tweaked the difficulty levels. This means that it's super easy for youngsters to get the hang of the game, and parents can team up with kids under 12 to crack the codes together. 
To encourage players to unlock all the levels, Wanpi World has whipped up some seriously cool limited-edition badges exclusively for this game. Solve the puzzles and one of these badges is yours. You can add an extra sprinkle of magic to your journey. But here's the catch – only the first 500 groups of players to finish the game will snag this special badge! But wait, there's more! Each game box comes with two $50 discount vouchers. So, whether you're itching to dress up in some awesome gear or just want to grab some souvenirs, you can do it all at a sweet discount. Plus, 5% of the souvenir sales will go straight to the Wanpi World Zoo Education Foundation for animal conservation and educational promotion. 

Early bird special for four at just NT$990 and the game is practically! 
To make sure more people get to experience the immersive fun of this real-life game, the "Fantasy Zoo Adventure" is offering an early bird price of only NT$990 per game box. You'll score a super value ticket worth NT$250 each, and you can buy up to four tickets. So, gather your squad of four, and the game box is practically free! And hey, there are also discount vouchers included, so you're getting the maximum bang for your buck! This summer, why not gather your friends and family for some interactive gaming fun and a series of puzzle-solving adventures? Not only will you have a blast, you'll also get to delve deeper into the stories and characteristics of the zoo's animals.